Top 5 Inspired Investor Articles in 2018
Written by The Content Team | Published on December 20, 2018
Written by The Content Team | Published on December 20, 2018
It's been an exciting year for Inspired Investor, RBC Direct Investing's dynamic hub of inspiring and educational articles that can help you take your investing to the next level.
With new articles published each week , we've covered topics ranging from NAFTA to China trade frictions and market volatility to trends in the world of sneakers.
You'll find our articles throughout the site, including the latest features at the bottom of your home and holdings pages. Every article offers social sharing buttons and a comment button that takes you to the Community, where you can keep the conversation going.
Here are a few of our most popular articles in 2018. Happy New Year to you...and happy reading!
1. How a Split Second Can Make You a Better Investor
Researchers have found that even a 50 to 100 millisecond pause — just one-tenth of a second — can allow your brain to focus on relevant information while blocking distractions. Here's what that can mean for investors.
2. How Rising Interest Rates Affect Investors
The Bank of Canada raised interest rates three times in 2018, most recently in October. We took a look at what rising rates can mean for investors.
3. Investing Truths: Milene Shares Her Investment Secret
A long-term investor shares one of her #InvestingTruths (in a fun video format) on managing her money.
4. 10 Essential Lessons for New Investors
A rundown of things to know when starting out as a self-directed investor.
5. 3 Ways to Keep Emotions in Check When Investing
Emotions can get the better of us when markets are fluctuating. Here are three ways to keep those emotions in check.
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