Ready to place your first trade? You'll find everything you need to make it happen here.
How to Read a Stock Quote
To get the current price of a stock you're interested in, start by typing its symbol (or a keyword) in the search bar that appears at the top right corner of every RBC Direct Investing webpage. On mobile, type a name or symbol in the Get a Quote field right on the homepage. From there, you can navigate to the stock's detailed quote, which will provide the price, as well as multiple details to help guide your purchase. Check out Know the Lingo: Stock Trading Terms to get up to speed on any concepts you may be unfamiliar with.
How to Buy a Stock
You can place a stock purchase in a matter of seconds. To complete your order, you'll need to know a few details, like whether you'd like to place a market order, a limit order or other order types. Learn the basics in Trading Stocks: What You Need to Know to Get Started.
Other Types of Trades: ETFs, Mutual Funds & Options
In addition to individual stocks, your RBC Direct Investing account allows you to purchase Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and mutual funds, both of which you can think of as a pooled investment made up of a basket of underlying securities. Learn more about what ETFs and mutual funds are and how to buy them in our guides.
Some investors are also interested in trading options, which can be more complex and higher risk than trading stocks or ETFs. Find out what options are and how to trade them in our options trading guide.
To learn about other types of investments, check out all of our investing guides.
Further Reading
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