Investing Truths: How Carrie Went from Scared to Strong
Written by The Content Team | Published on October 12, 2018
Written by The Content Team | Published on October 12, 2018
Carrie*, a writer and editor at RBC, sat down with us recently to talk “investing truths." Here's some of what she had to say.
A: For me, investing is an eat-your-vegetables kind of thing - but the tasty vegetables. I do it because it's good for me; really important and not to be overlooked. It can be hard to know what to invest in, and it can be hard to know where to find the money. But I do my best to save and invest when I can.
A: My dad taught me about investing and his message to me was always to be in control. That's why I chose a self-directed approach.
When I get a good idea, often from my daily routine or reading, I'll research it and then go and buy some shares. I often buy too few shares. I think that speaks to me being a little nervous, not quite sure what to do. I've had success though, so that's good.
Q: So what are you going to do to help yourself evolve?
A: I'm still learning and I'm gaining more confidence as I go. Markets are complicated, but I plan to stick with it because I want to be in control of my own money and make my own decisions.
Q: What's your investing goal?
A: At the end of the day, I just want to be able to pay for my life. To pay for my house, pay for my retirement — so I don't have to work until I'm 95. My dream is to one day buy enough shares of whatever it is and see that investment grow to a big payout. That would be the dream for me!
*Name and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of the individual.
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